How to Calibrate Traeger probe (Step by Step Guide)

Cooking is the technique of preparing food for consumption by using heat. Therefore, maintaining temperature is the key to cooking delicious, well-cooked food. Traeger probes work excellently to prepare food. But sometimes, users must calibrate them to make sure they are operating correctly. Therefore, I will discuss How to calibrate Traeger probe in this article.

One can calibrate the Traeger thermometer probe by following six simple steps:  Activating the Traeger Grill, preparing the probe, adjusting calibration settings, preparing an ice bath, inserting the probe into the ice bath, and checking temperature readings. Calibrating the Traeger probe is essential to ensure that your instrument is delivering accurate readings. Otherwise, the improper temperature can lead to overcooked or undercooked foods.

In this article, the readers will go through the in-depth calibration procedure, its necessity, along with some FAQs. So, let’s start.

Calibrating a Traeger Probe

Calibrating a temperature probe refers to the process of determining whether a thermometer is providing an accurate reading. People can calibrate the Traeger temperature probe by following the below steps:

1. Activating the Traeger Grill

traeger grill
  • First, turn on the grill by pressing the power button from the control panel.

2. Preparing the Probe

  • Thoroughly clean the probe, making sure there is no dust on it.
  • Now find out the plug jack in the control panel.
  • Insert the probe’s opposite end into the jack.

3. Adjust Calibration Settings

digital display
  • Issues of knob/ button: There is a menu option on the grill’s digital display. Just beside the menu option, you will find a knob or button. To scroll up and down, use this button or knob. Additionally, one can make a selection by pushing the knob.
  • Calibration Settings:
    • Press the “menu” option and go to the second screen named “Traeger WiFIRE.”
    • Scroll down and select “settings.”
    • Select “probe calibration” from setting
    • Now select “calibrate probe.”
calibration settings

4. Preparing an Ice Bath

A starting point or base number is necessary when calibrating an instrument. For temperature calibrations, 32 Fahrenheit/0 Celsius is the base number. To achieve this number, follow the below procedure:

  • Take  a glass  or mug
  • Fill it with ice and water
  • Leave the glass until the temperature reaches 32 F/0 C.
  • Double-check the temperature to make sure it remains consistent.

5. Inserting the probe into the ice bath

putting probe into ice glass
  • Put the probe into the ice glass.
  • Push “calibrate” in the control panel you navigated before.
  • Wait a minute for the temperature reading on display.

6. Check Temperature Readings

If the temperature reading is 32°F/ 0°C, it indicates the probe is functioning correctly. Otherwise, you have to go through more settings to offset the temperature.

probe offset
  • Scroll up to the setting option
  • Select probe calibration
  • Now choose probe offset
  • Change ±°F & set it to 32°F.

For more details info check this video:

Why should one calibrate Traeger Temperature Probe?

Proper calibration of Traeger Temperature probes has many advantages. The major advantages are as follows:

  • Ensuring correct reading: Calibration ensures that the probe is functioning correctly.
  • Better temperature control: users can effectively control the temperature with a calibrated probe.
  • More reliable outcomes: a calibrated probe gives an accurate temperature reading which helps the smoker or grill to produce more reliable results.
  • Reduced overcooking: A calibrated probe ensures the consistent cooking of the meat, preventing both overcooking and undercooking. Therefore, it assures food safety.
  • Reduced costs: Incorrect temperature can lead to food waste and increase costs. But a calibrated probe can reduce food costs by evenly cooking the food.

Tips for Getting the Best Outcome from the Traeger Probe:

 Some tips can help the users to get the best result from their Traeger probes:

  • Always clean the probe after each use to get accurate readings
  • Calibrate the probe before each use to ensure that the instrument is properly functioning.
  • If you see a calibrated probe is delivering reading, but the food is not cooked evenly, then it’s time to change the probe
  • There are different types of probes available for different kinds of foods. Make sure you have chosen the correct probe for your food.
  • Place the probe in the thickest part of the food to get an accurate temperature reading.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions while using the probe to get the best results.

Frequently asked questions

Are Traeger probes accurate?

Traeger probes are one of the most popular thermometers that are able to deliver temperatures ranging from -58 to 572 degrees Fahrenheit. It can efficiently deliver accurate temperature reading to get your food done perfectly.

Can you leave the Traeger probe in during cooking?

Keeping the Traeger temperature probe on during cooking time is not advisable. Generally, these probes register temperature within ten to twenty seconds. Constant “on” mode can lead to misleading temperature readings and, eventually, overcooked meat.

Where is the best place to put a temperature probe?

One should insert 2 inches deep into the thickest part of the meat to get an accurate reading. Make sure the probe has sufficient distance from the bone. Otherwise, it can deliver a false reading.

When should people calibrate their Traeger Thermometer Probe?

There are some specific times when people must calibrate their Traeger Thermometer Probe. Some of them are as follows:

  • If you are using your Traeger Thermometer Probe for the first time
  • If you feel your Thermometer Probe is faulty and provides wrong readings
  • After cleaning the probes

Final verdict

Proper temperature is an unavoidable thing for preparing delicious, pathogen-free foods. It is especially essential to cook protein-based foods, for instance, meat, eggs, and poultry. Therefore, many people use Traeger probes to prevent under or overcooked foods. But the problem appears when someone doubts that the probe is giving the wrong reading.

Therefore, I have discussed “How to calibrate Traeger meat probe” step by step in this article. Besides, I have provided some benefits of calibrating probes along with several tips. I hope the in-depth discussion will help the users to calibrate their probes properly.

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