How To Fix LEr code on Traeger Grill (6 Common Causes)

Traeger smokers are one of the most outstanding smokers available in the market. But remember, since these are machines, issues can arise at any time. However, nothing is more frustrating than finding a faulty smoker in the middle of cooking. LEr code on Traeger is one such problem that Traeger users often encounter. So, what is the LEr code on the Traeger grill?

Low Error Reading (LEr) is a low-temperature error that causes the grill’s temperature to fall below 125°F for ten minutes. There can be various reasons behind this problem, such as cold weather, poor quality pellets, overfilled firepot, problematic Induction motor fan, and many more.

In this article, I will discuss the LEr code problem with its solution step by step. The readers will also learn other necessary information along with some FAQs. So, let’s start.

Common Error Codes on Traeger Grills

traeger error codes

Traeger grill’s users can encounter any of the following error codes:


High-Temperature Error or HEr will appear on the display when the grill’s temperature reaches 550F for more than 45 seconds. In this case, the grill will shut off the auger to heal the fan. If you don’t take the necessary action right away, the entire piece of meat can burn due to uncontrolled temperature. This issue typically results from low-quality pellets, greasy trays that produce greasy fire, etc.


As stated before, LEr refers to low-temperature error where the grill’s internal temperature falls down to 125°F for more than 10 minutes. It can result from wet pellets, auger blockage, faulty probe, or smoke setting for creating an extra smoky flavor


It is also known as ER1. If the ERR error code appears, you should replace the RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) probe. RTD quantifies the interior grill’s temperature and informs the control panel. Therefore, if this problem takes place, the RTD fails to track the internal temperature. It generally happens when the connection between the RTD probe and the control panel becomes poor.


This error code indicates the operational failure of the RTD probe. It occurs when the controller stops functioning or doesn’t get power supply from the RTD probe.

The Most Common Causes of LEr Code

The following reasons are the most common causes of LEr code:

1. Wrong starting of the grill: if you can’t start the grill properly, LEr-related issues may develop in the middle of cooking.

2. Cold weather: In rainy or cold weather, smokers can’t ignite properly, which may induce low-temperature issues. However, temperature fluctuation doesn’t necessarily mean a LEr issue. Generally, the temperature can fluctuate up to 20 degrees during cooking. However, if the temperature decreases suddenly, you need to pay attention.

3. Empty firepot: The LEr error code will appear if the firepot starts running out of pellets and becomes empty. Aside from that, an excessive formation of ashes and debris in the pot can also result in LEr issues by restricting airflow.

4. Poor quality pellets: poor quality, wet, and old pellets can’t burn properly; therefore, low temperature becomes natural.

5. Bad Induction Fan: if the induction fan becomes damaged or broken, it can’t operate properly. A bad Induction Fan hinders the pellet’s ability to accumulate oxygen from the air to burn, resulting in low temperature.

6. Chimney: It is responsible for providing sufficient oxygen for the pellets to burn. If the users don’t clean the chimney, it becomes dirty and greasy, which prevents airflow.

Troubleshooting Steps for LEr Code on Traeger

Users should consider a few factors before beginning the troubleshooting steps. Warranty is the first one of them. Fortunately, Traeger provides a three-year warranty in the US. No matter how sure you are that you can fix the problem, don’t try to disassemble the grill if it is still under warranty.

Moreover, if you can’t figure out the problem, it’s better to take expert help rather than experiment. However, if one wishes to resolve the issue on their own, then follow the below steps:

  • Turn off the grill: Don’t ever try to begin Troubleshooting when the grill is warm. Instead, please turn off the grill’s power supply & let it cool down.
  • Detach the heat baffle, drip tray, and grates.
  • Examine the firepot: Check the pellets’ quality and the level of pellets in the firepot. It is best to use bright, breakable pellets. If they aren’t, replace them. There shouldn’t be too few or too many pellets in the firepot. Clean the ashes and debris in the firepot. Additionally, remember to check to see if the auger has any jams.
  • Chimney: Clean the chimney & properly adjust the height of the chimney to ensure sufficient airflow. Ensure that there is room for your thumb to fit between the pipe and the cap. Clean the tube if it has any blockage.
  • Turn on the grill & inspect the Controller and RTD: The controller should show the grill’s temperature after restarting it. The temperature at that time will be within 20°F/10°C of the outside temperature. If the LEr code pops up again, turn off the grill. Disconnect the connection between RTD & Controller, then reconnect them. If the LEr continues to wave, one may need to replace the controller.
  • Observe the Hot Rod and Induction Fan: If you can’t hear the fan’s sound, remove it and try spinning it with your hand. It will break the grime if it exists. However, if the fan doesn’t still spin, replace it. You can also follow this article that how to check Tareger hot rod.
  • Place your hand over the firepot at a safe distance. If you can feel the warmth, it is operating. Otherwise, get expert advice or replace it.

You can also check this video for more details:


1. What does the code LEr mean on a Traeger grill?

LEr is an error message that pops up on the screen when the grill’s internal temperature suddenly drops below 125°F. There are various reasons for deriving this problem, such as cold weather, poor quality pellets, overfilled firepot etc.

2. How can one fix a slow ignition warning on a Traeger?

One can follow the below steps to fix a slow ignition warning on a Traeger:

  • Cut off the power supply of the grill
  • Let it cool
  • Check the auger’s jam, firepot, pellets’ level, induction fan, motor. If you find any problem in these areas, fix them.
  • Restart the grill

Final Verdict

Traeger grill users often encounter LEr code but can’t fix the problem even though it is simple to fix. Therefore, I have discussed the Traeger LEr code, its causes, and troubleshooting steps in depth in this article. I hope the readers can now solve the problem by themselves.

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